Raphael joins the Misfits…again.

I made an image of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Raphael as one of the Misfits, for the wall of Illusive comics and Games, a CA Bay area comic shop. I decided to make it into a print. Inked with Japanese brush pen on Bristol, greys and color added in Photoshop.

Big Wowed.

So Big wow has come and gone, I had a pretty good time, sold some stuff, and socialized with old friends and new pals. It was a relatively small show which suited me just fine, as it was my first time tabling in years. I was a bad tabler however because I completely abandoned my post for both …

Little Big Head Productions at BIG WOW!

Hey guys, last minute update if you are in the San Jose, CA area this weekend I will be at table 58 in artist alley at the Big Wow ,(formerly super con), conventions selling prints, doing sketches, gabbin and sitting behind a table a lot. Here is the site, there is a lot of other cool stuff …

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