Here are 4 sample pencil pages I did form a Mark Waid script for 52.
Author Archives: Gaz Gretsky
Awkward Faces 3
My contribution to the third pic on the Awkward Faces Facebook group.
Raphael joins the Misfits…again.
I made an image of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, Raphael as one of the Misfits, for the wall of Illusive comics and Games, a CA Bay area comic shop. I decided to make it into a print. Inked with Japanese brush pen on Bristol, greys and color added in Photoshop.
burrito del zombi
Years ago Brian Lynch and/or Brian Sadecki asked me to draw a zombie burrito for some reason. I forget why, and I don’t know what I did with the doodle I did. But, I felt like doing a new one. Photoshop over pencil sketch.
An April for June.
Been in a TMNT drawing mood, this is a rough version of an April re-design I am working on. Photoshop over pencils.
Captain Atom
I have busy with an animation project, and a few illustrations, none of which I can share yet, but in the meantime, I sketched this up with my double sided grey-black Japanese brush pen, and the atomic energy bands in Photoshop once I scanned it in. ENERGY!…ahem I mean ENJOY!
Big Wowed.
So Big wow has come and gone, I had a pretty good time, sold some stuff, and socialized with old friends and new pals. It was a relatively small show which suited me just fine, as it was my first time tabling in years. I was a bad tabler however because I completely abandoned my post for both …
Little Big Head Productions at BIG WOW!
Hey guys, last minute update if you are in the San Jose, CA area this weekend I will be at table 58 in artist alley at the Big Wow ,(formerly super con), conventions selling prints, doing sketches, gabbin and sitting behind a table a lot. Here is the site, there is a lot of other cool stuff …
Dead on Revival EP art
Artwork for the Band “Dead on Revival” [link] To be used on their upcoming EP “Evil is as Evil Does.” rough blue pencil sketch on typing paper scanned then cleaned up inked and colored all on my Cintiq in Photoshop.
Breaking Bad
Bryan Cranston as Walter White from Breaking Bad. I did a bic sketch on a piece of scrap paper by my computer, then scanned it and did the rest in photohop. A little more designey than my usual style for this one.