Hey! Well, tommorrow I have to start the new animation project that will run till September. Also, I need to finish the t-shirt Design, hip-hop logo, and the new (yet again double sized), Rap-tor by the end of the week. So tonite, I did a quick sketch and inked it up with the old brush …
Author Archives: Gaz Gretsky
Trashy and the Kid
Hey guys, so now that the band has released it, I can officially show you the artwork I did for their new EP “Trashy and the kid: Run For Your Life! the EP” They have a fun sound, …kinda happy metal, like Motley crue or Alice Cooper, and I especially like the Singer. This was …
Hey guys, So I finished up the Tricked pin-up for Alex, here it is: It was fun, and I was honored he asked me. The one daunting part is that he requested to have the original, paper version. Knowing this I couldn’t use my usual trick of inking and then fixing the mistakes on the …
Chameleon Warrior, fury of the furry.
A lot of this type of thing “Furry” or “anthro” art is up on www.Deviantart.com where I have opened a page, and been trying to get work. So I thought I’d try a stab, although, I suppose a chameleon warrior is less common than a fox maiden or something, sexy and furry. My friend Jeff …
I hate musicals, but I love Neal Patrick Harris, Joss Weadon and Nathan Fillion, Thus I loved this: http://drhorrible.com/mushortio.html and scribbled out his in my fanjoy:
Stoned looking me, and another Rap-tor.
Hey guys the new Rap-tor has been up since Friday, (mature audiences warning again), but in case you missed it here is the link: Rap-tor week 4 Don’t click if you are easily offended. Meanwhile here is a goofy video of me where I look stoned made as a test piece by Spek Studios in …
WHa? Not Rap-Tor???
Yes it’s true, a sketch honest and true not for a paying job! I sent roughs in for this weeks Rap-tor strip, and roughs for a CD cover I am doing, but while waiting on notes from both clients I had time to sketch/ink this centaur guy. Give him love fellow humans.
Rap-Tor 2…the revenge!
Hey guys, Been busy with lots of projects lately, so no new blog updates for a while, however the new Rap-tor strip is up, If you are so inclined to see it. I eased back on the coloring a bit this time, and I am starting to get a better handle on the character designs. …
Hey guys, Just this week I have signed on as the artist for a web-comic called “Rap-tor”, It was created and is written by Matthew Psallidas. …its his baby, so throw any accolades regarding dinosaur mayhem, and rich guy shenanigans his way! I’m just an ink slinging hired-gun on this one. It should be updated …
Hey here is an hand I sketched while working on an animation for the history channel web-site. I am trying to be a constructionist, that is referencing how things are built to the point of memorization, and using that to make them look realistic in poses that are not referenced, rather that using photo reference, …