Hey all and few, Apparently Rap-tor is now on indefinite hiatus, and the next sales autopsy is a week away, I just finished up the hip-hop logo, and before I dive into the second pass of a shirt design I need to do , I wanted to post a “doodle” I did. Instead of the …
Category Archives: Comic Style Art
Elton John
Hey! Well, tommorrow I have to start the new animation project that will run till September. Also, I need to finish the t-shirt Design, hip-hop logo, and the new (yet again double sized), Rap-tor by the end of the week. So tonite, I did a quick sketch and inked it up with the old brush …
Hey guys, So I finished up the Tricked pin-up for Alex, here it is: It was fun, and I was honored he asked me. The one daunting part is that he requested to have the original, paper version. Knowing this I couldn’t use my usual trick of inking and then fixing the mistakes on the …
Rap-Tor 2…the revenge!
Hey guys, Been busy with lots of projects lately, so no new blog updates for a while, however the new Rap-tor strip is up, If you are so inclined to see it. I eased back on the coloring a bit this time, and I am starting to get a better handle on the character designs. …
Hey guys, Just this week I have signed on as the artist for a web-comic called “Rap-tor”, It was created and is written by Matthew Psallidas. …its his baby, so throw any accolades regarding dinosaur mayhem, and rich guy shenanigans his way! I’m just an ink slinging hired-gun on this one. It should be updated …
Turtle sketch 2: Secret of the ooze
I did this on the cintiq in flash. I’ve been digging on the turtles a lot lately, maybe I’ll get to doing a nice finished piece eventually.
Tuskan raider needs milk badly.
Per request A sandpeople.
Long shot gazbot
Long shot. Funny enough as big of an Art Adams fan as I am I never read his Career making run on Long shot until this week…It didn’t age super well, and the coloring was horrible, but there was a charm to the story, and his style while rough was there. anyway from my head …
Slow and Steady…
ok, so Comic Con came and went, and then I got a freelance gig or 2 that kept me pretty busy…but from home so no commuter doodles. I am done with all my freelances, and now working on samples, and my reel to hopefully get employed full time again soon. Meanwhile here is a quick …
Hmmm…that’s Strange…
A sketch on the train home today…the other white meat…magician…mainly i liked the energy effects I did.