Years ago Brian Lynch and/or Brian Sadecki asked me to draw a zombie burrito for some reason. I forget why, and I don’t know what I did with the doodle I did. But, I felt like doing a new one. Photoshop over pencil sketch.
Category Archives: Commision
An April for June.
Been in a TMNT drawing mood, this is a rough version of an April re-design I am working on. Photoshop over pencils.
Captain Atom
I have busy with an animation project, and a few illustrations, none of which I can share yet, but in the meantime, I sketched this up with my double sided grey-black Japanese brush pen, and the atomic energy bands in Photoshop once I scanned it in. ENERGY!…ahem I mean ENJOY!
Big Wowed.
So Big wow has come and gone, I had a pretty good time, sold some stuff, and socialized with old friends and new pals. It was a relatively small show which suited me just fine, as it was my first time tabling in years. I was a bad tabler however because I completely abandoned my post for both …
Dead on Revival EP art
Artwork for the Band “Dead on Revival” [link] To be used on their upcoming EP “Evil is as Evil Does.” rough blue pencil sketch on typing paper scanned then cleaned up inked and colored all on my Cintiq in Photoshop.
Prisoner. Hunter.
Newly commissioned design zombie hunter monster. inked with Japanese brush pen, and .01 and .08 pigma pens for the metal stuff.
BEBOP from the old early 90’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon. done for my buddy Nick [link] Japanese brush pen on bristol, scanned and colored in Photoshop. used a texture in the BG, and on his pants, shoulder pads and vest. Second time ever trying texture, last time was over a year ago….baby steps lol.
Zombie Avatar: Na’vi Princess Neytiri
One of a series of 11 zombie illustrations I was hired to do: This one is Princess Neytiri, a Na’vi from the movie Avatar. For: Zombie Apocalypse at The Rush | The Rush presents a collection of original artwork depicting several popular Fox characters as zombies, including the Na’vi, the Predator and even Robert ‘Big …
Zombie Self-Portrait…
Inked with Japanese brush pen, shaded and BG texture in Photoshop. This is supposed to be a self portrait, though I can never be sure if my drawings look like me, I have a weird blind spot for it. Prints for sale 9×12 Combined shipping is available, (and recommended). Just add 1.00 shipping for each …
Cthulhu/Dagon zombie acolyte.
Cthulhu/Dagon zombie acolyte. Japanese brush pen on Bristol, colored in Photo shop. Started of as a Jedi if you can believe that…