I was doodling in red pen, and tehn used that same old tutle pen, to ink up this superman. Dispite some anatomical flaws, and a odd face, there is something about it I like. I think it’s that for some reason it doesn’t look to meĀ like something I would draw.
Category Archives: Personal
Donatello ala’ Talbot/Lawson
OK so most of my major freelance is wrapped for now, and I am finishing the colors for the second Ded Sexi album. Meanwhile, I am planning on getting back to some comics work for my self, and my friend Roy, who are both talking about putting out books in the next year. before that …
Hasty moon
Hey all and few, Apparently Rap-tor is now on indefinite hiatus, and the next sales autopsy is a week away, I just finished up the hip-hop logo, and before I dive into the second pass of a shirt design I need to do , I wanted to postĀ a “doodle” I did. Instead of the …
Elton John
Hey! Well, tommorrow I have to start the new animation project that will run till September. Also, I need to finish the t-shirt Design, hip-hop logo, and the new (yet again double sized), Rap-tor by the end of the week. So tonite, I did a quick sketch and inked it up with the old brush …
I hate musicals, but I love Neal Patrick Harris, Joss Weadon and Nathan Fillion, Thus I loved this: http://drhorrible.com/mushortio.html and scribbled out his in my fanjoy:
A quick Scorpy
Hey, Here is a quick sketch of a cartoony scorpious for farscape. The outfit is probably a little off since I did it from memory but hey maybe he upgraded after the series. Right now I am working on a second t-shirt design for someone, as well as a pin-up to be published in an …
Leo Bic doodle
This is a doodle of Leonardo in Black bic pen. It was on a page of info I had written down while on the phone. I erased the info in photoshop.
Indiana? we named the drawing Indiana!!!
Hey, so with the new movie and all I thought I’d try an Indiana Jones pic, (young version). I once again did these on the Cintiq only. used photo ref on the main monitor, which I am including. The full body one I did a blue line and then during clean up I didn’t like …
Turtle sketch 2: Secret of the ooze
I did this on the cintiq in flash. I’ve been digging on the turtles a lot lately, maybe I’ll get to doing a nice finished piece eventually.
File under oldies.
I was talking to my buddy Joe at Comic con a few weeks ago. I was reminding him of a pic I had, of us and two other friends, as the 90’s playmates teenage mutant ninja turtle toys. He drew when we worked at six flags doing caricatures together. I scan and post it now …